Monday, June 10, 2013

Fort Knox: What's Really Behind It's Doors

Everyone loves gold, its fact that cannot be disproven. One place in America that supposedly holds all the gold in America is Fort Knox, Kentucky. In 1936 FDR issued an order to build the vault in Kentucky. The vault is supposed impregnable, but the truth is that no vault is impregnable and that there will always be a way to find a way into any vault. In 1933 FDR issued Executive Order 6102. This made it illegal for any Americans to horde any gold certificates, good coins, and bullion illegal. From 1933 to the 1937 the overall value of gold jumped from 4 billion dollars to 12 billion dollars. Today the fortress is guarded by the U.S. Mint Police and protected by layers of physical security; alarms, video cameras, mine fields, barbed razor wire, a bombproof roof, poison-gas booby traps, an emergency flooding system and electric fences. There are about 30000 thousand soldiers ready to destroy anybody who tries to break in. Basically you have same chance of breaking into Fort Knox as you have of trying to break into Area 51, 0% chance. Some have reason believe that there is actually no gold in Fort Knox and that the US government has sold it all to other countries. Who is to say the government wouldn't do something shady like this because they have been wiretapping our phone conversations for about 12 years. Ron Paul who recently ran for campaign for president tried to audit the Fort Knox and it actually passed the US Senate, which means that Fort Knox would have to open its doors to the American public for the first time in decades. Why all the secrecy anyways isn’t it just gold anyways? Well, the US government is very secretive in the way that it operates and the fact that until Fort Knox’s doors open to the American public we may never know what’s behind it’s doors.

Ancient Aliens

Throughout time people of past cultures and times have looked up at the sky and wondered if there is more and are there other people out there. Right now UFOs and extraterrestrials are a hot topic withe the American public, but there is the possibility that aliens have visited our "blue ball" in the past before. Their whole idea behind the ancient alien phenomenon is that in the past we were visited by aliens and they helped shape our civilizations that they are today. One of the things people look at is the ancient structures built by the people on our planet. The pyramids in Giza, Egypt are very massive and very impressive, but maybe to impressive. Records have said that the Great pyramid of Giza was built in 21 years. That's impossible by today's standards if you do the logistics of the building that one pyramid. If you were trying to build a pyramid like that you would have to set one block every 9 seconds. These stones are 1-20 tons each. The pyramid is so perfect that it is impossible by today's standards. The Great Pyramid of Giza is two centimeters off from being a perfect square. Also the Pyramids of Giza line up with Orion's Belt. It's very interesting that they would know how to do this with the technology that they had, may be they had help form people from out of this world. Another thing that points to the existence of ancient aliens is Adolf Hitler when he was in power during the 30's and 40's. Many believed that Hitler had help from Aliens because much of his technology was way ahead of its time. What's interesting is that the US after the war brought over German scientists and they helped build the hydrogen bomb for in what became known has Project Paperclip. Also one of Hitler's top ranking scientists said that they received help from other than this world. Many of the early civilizations around the planet believe that their gods came from space and there are written accounts of this too. A specific civilization in South America (one that I cannot name) said that their god came from a specific star. This is quite amazing because this star was not discovered until modern astrology came along too. the Nazca Lines pretty impressive because they can only be seen from an aircraft, so how could the Nazca people draw them or make them without seeing them. They range from a spider to a monkey to what appears to be a spaceman. There is also the Nazca plains which are completely flat and some believe that it could have been a landing strip for space craft. One theory that mainstream scientists are just throwing away, but the Ancient Alien theorists are still trying to keep up with is that ancient aliens had a hand in the death of the Dinosaurs. I know its sounds crazy, but there is some proof to the theory. A Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton was found in Montana with levels of radiation that are quite close to the one in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The misconception with the death of dinosaurs is that they died all at once is wrong. Many of them stayed around for another two million years. Some civilizations have images of dinosaurs on their monuments which is interesting because many of them had never heard of them before. Another reason for the death of the dinosaurs could be that the aliens sent an asteroid to Earth to kill them off so the human could be fit for the humans. For me personally these theories are not too crazy, but for the others those are two far-fetched, but who knows may be many of us are all wrong.

Bigfoot: What Does the Government Truely Know

Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Swampman, Wildman, whatever you call it, these names conger up images of giant, hairy humanoids that walk in our forests, swamps, mountains, and coastlines. People all around America have seen these creatures and it seems that there is a good chance that they do exist. Animals like the Giant Squid, the Komodo Dragon, the Panda, and even the Gorilla were seen as mythological creatures that were nothing but myth and legend, but it turns out that they do exist. So why can't people accept the fact that there is something out there that maybe as intelligent as us and even bigger. The answer, human pride. All humans like to think that we are the most intelligent creatures on the planet and we are the top of the food chain. The true is we aren't top of the food chain because our planet has bears that can tear you limb from limb, crocodiles that can eat you alive, and maybe the most dangerous creature on the planet is the Mosquito that carries Malaria, West Nile Virus, and Yellow Fever. so maybe the US government is hiding something from us because there have been many instances where scientists' jobs have been threatened because they believe in the existence of these hairy hominoid creatures. Another reason is that Bigfoot is usually found in wooded areas of our country. Now we assume that if Bigfoot is discovered, that it will be listed as an endangered animal. That could have a huge impact on the logging industry and the economy itself. When the Spotted Owl was discovered up in Oregon, it caused the logging industry and the economy up there to take a huge hit because they couldn't cut down the trees that were within a certain range of the owl. Those towns up there have not really ever recovered from this. If Bigfoot was discovered that could ruin the logging industry and severely hurt the US economy, so maybe the government has good reason to hide its existence. Another reason that the US government may be hiding something from us is because maybe they may be doing experiment on these creatures and trying to make a super solider. It’s not that far out to think. When Joseph Stalin was in power, he authorized the research and the experimentation in making human/ape hybrid/super solider. How could they not exist anyways? All around America there are cave paintings of giant hairy men running around, and this was the time before the internet and smart phones. The existence of these large, hairy hominids is the writing on the walls because as of recently in 2010 scientists in Russia discovered a finger bone that they traced to a recent human ancestor, Denisova hominin. In Indonesia scientists discovered a skeleton of another species, Homo floresiensis. This find really challenges the theory of evolution because Homo floresiensis was a 1 meter tall humanoid that existed until about 13000 years ago, but recent sightings of small hobbit like creatures have some scientists wondering, whether or not the text books were correct. Another reason the government is hiding something is because in a report the government acknowledged the fact of all the sightings, but they then said they were nothing, but a hoax. How can you not account for the millions of sightings on record? You can't just say that every sighting was just a misidentification or a hoax because that's not logical. The people of the US are seeing something and for now it may be up to the citizens to find proof of the creatures because the government won't.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Paranormal

I have always been intrigued by the paranormal, even as a young boy. The Paranormal consists of anything out of the ordinary (normality) that cannot be explained by science itself. It ranges from exterrestrials to ghosts to cryptids (creatures that are built into folklore and have numerous sightings without any proof, you can go to Matt Lamb's blog for more). For this blog I'm just going to focus in on the ghosts part of paranormality. Science cannot explain the existence of ghosts because they seem to find ways to explain them. People have believed in ghosts since the beginning of civilization. Most of the time ghosts are harmless spirits that don't do anything to hurt people accept minding their own business. The smaller portion of these cases the malevolent or demonic. These spirits will hurt people for their own fun and feed off the misfortune and pain of others. Sometimes these spirits will even possess these people's spirits and cause them to do things. Priests are then called into perform exorcisms; people have died (a.k.a. Emily Rose). Some people think that by just leaving the house in which there is a demonic entity that it will just go away. They couldn't be more wrong. These entities follow you because they are attached to your spirit and your belongings. When trying to find spirits people used EMF recorders (Electro Magnetic Field, some believe that spirits disturb Earth's electromagnetic field), voice recorders (when spirits talk, there voice usually can't be heard), and inferred cameras (spirits sometimes cannot be seen by the naked eye, but they do leave heat signatures).Ghosts have been found all over the world from Angkor Watt in Cambodia to the London Towers to the Haunted Black Forests of Germany and even the White House in Washington DC. The most haunted places in America include The Whaley House in California, The Myrtles Plantation in Louisiana, Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia, Waverly Hills Sanatorium in Kentucky, The Queen Mary in California, and the White House. As long the beliefs in the ghosts persist people will keep searching and who knows maybe they do exist.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The JFK Assination: Who was Involved and How did It Happen?

When you mention the name John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) people immediately think of the Dallas morning when he was shot and killed in his limousine, while making a two day trip through Texas. President Kennedy was rushed to the Parkland Hospital, where he would later die that day. Later, the official story that came out was that Lee Harvey Oswald had "sniped" Kennedy from the Texas School Book Depository Building. Oswald was confronted 45 minutes later by the police where he shot one and ran into a movie theater, there he was finally captured. The Kennedy assassination was one of the saddest days in America, but it also remains one of the most controversial itself (Its usually ranked up there with 9/11 and the first Moon Landing). The warren Commission had stated that Kennedy was shot and killed by one man and one man only, Oswald, but the United States House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) had concluded in a later report that there was a high probability that Oswald was aided by another gunman. Theories on who was involved included, KGB, CIA, J.Edgar Hoover (FBI Director), Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ), Fidel Castro, Cuban Exiles (possibly because Kennedy used them in Bay of Pigs Invasion, but were captured by Cuba and
thrown in Jail), the Mafia (people had accepted contracts from the Mob to kill Kennedy), and secret societies. Another part of the conspiracy theory was the fact that marksmanship was basically impossible. Kennedy was shot through the head that left 1/4 of his head missing. The next bullet went through Kennedy's back and hit Governor Conally, but that bullet would have had to defy
the Laws of Physics and would have had to change direction to Conally. The 2nd part is the fact that Oswald was had scored a 191 on his sharp shooter test. That would rank him just barely above other solders. Oswald used a 6.5 Italian Mannlicher Carcano to shoot Kennedy. Oswald shot 3 bolts within 6.5 seconds. That is possible to shoot that many in that time frame, but to accurately hit a moving vehicle that seems near impossible. Another piece tantalizing evidence is the Babushka Lady who turned up on the best piece of evidence we have of the Kennedy Assassination, Zapruder film. The Babushka Lady was seen holding a camera and while everyone had scattered and left she stayed longer than anyone else did. The FBI never found her and no one came forward and said they were the lady and was
proven. So the mystery remains. We may never know what really happened on that fateful day in Dallas, but as long as the conspiracy theories are out their people will still want to believe that maybe something different really did happen.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Men In Black

When most people think of the  Men in Black they think of the movie with Will Smith and co., but really the REAL Men in Black are much more mysterious than and not as hilarious as the ones on the screen. Men in black have been reported throughout the 20th and 21st century, but our knowledge of them isn't there. Men in black are usually seen wearing black suits and usually drive old American cars such as Lincolns and Cadillacs. They usually arrive in groups of two or three and appear to walk in formation like military men and have expressionless faces. They appear to be of eastern European/oriental descent. The M.I.B. come talk to you about your incident and already know the smallest details about what happened as if they were there too. They will ask you questions and most of the time it will seem as if they already know the answer to these. These M.I.B. are very persuasive in their ways and will do just about anything to make you recant or forget whatever you saw. They will even go as far as to threaten people too. Reporting these people to the government won't do any good because the government knows nothing about these the alleged Men in Black because they have no record of them what so ever. To me there are two real possibilities in the situation. Either the government knows about these people and is just hiding their existence or they are extraterrestrials that were sent here to keep their existence quiet. The interesting thing about the M.I.B. is that they have just popped up around extraterrestrial sightings or incidents, but rather in the case of the Mothman during the '60's and '70's in Point Pleasant, New Jersey. Citizens reported seeing a giant hairy flying humanoid creature (the first thing that people say they saw were the red piercing eyes) flying in the night sky. After the incidents the citizens of Point Pleasant reported to see men walking in around in black suits, otherwise known as the Men in Black. Many of the citizens were confronted by these men and were told to keep quiet. Next time you recover nay strange evidence prepare for a visit from the Men in Black.